Yes, Cartman's first name is actually Eric. Nobody calls him by it except
for Mr. Garrison and Mrs. Cartman however, so he's known as Cartman to all
the other citizens of South Park. His distinction is being the little round
boy; he's the fat kid. (He doesn't think so, however, he says he's just "big
boned") It's no wonder that he is overweight though, since most of the time,
when he's not at school or with his friends, you'll see him parked on the
couch eating Cheezy Poofs, or even a Chocolate Chicken Pot Pie.

Mrs. Cartman is, quite obviously, Cartman's mom, and she appears to be
the only parental figure in Cartman's life. She basically caters to his
every whim, which most of the time is buying him all the junk food that he
wants. She also tells him that he's "just big boned" and not actually fat,
just like he always tells people. She sometimes shows her rather twisted side,
so you kinda have to wonder if she has a dark side...either that, or she's
a VERY lonely woman.
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